{"id":17421,"date":"2017-05-24T08:30:03","date_gmt":"2017-05-24T00:30:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.mywomanstuff.com\/?p=17421"},"modified":"2017-05-23T15:55:12","modified_gmt":"2017-05-23T07:55:12","slug":"makeup-primer-must-have","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.mywomanstuff.com\/2017\/05\/makeup-primer-must-have\/","title":{"rendered":"Your Say: Is makeup primer a must-have for you? What is your favourite?"},"content":{"rendered":"

When I started out learning about makeup and how to use it, I stumbled upon this thing called a “primer”. It all made sense, when put in a painting context – you prime your walls, before you apply your paint. It helps the paint stick better, and last longer, and creates a smoother finish. When I had my walls painted, I made sure they put on a primer too! LOL!<\/p>\n

But, what d’ya know? That’s what makeup primer does too! We discussed this once right here on the blog, but that was way back in 2012<\/a> – a lot has changed in 5 years! Or has it?<\/p>\n


If you watch YouTube videos and try to learn about makeup, primer is always used. If you have oily skin, primer is recommended to keep the skin oil-free for longer. If you have visible pores, primer helps create a smooth finish.<\/p>\n

Yet, how often do you use a makeup primer? Or rather, do you use any at all? \ud83d\ude00<\/p>\n


Personally speaking, I don’t.<\/p>\n

I mean, I have them – I’m a beauty junkie remember? I’ve tried most things at least once! \ud83d\ude00 But they aren’t products that I use very often. The primary reason is because the primers I had experience with didn’t sit well with me in terms of texture.<\/p>\n

You see, in order to give your skin that smooth texture, fill in the pores and holes and keep oilies at bay, a primer primarily consists of silicones. Lots and lots of silicones. My skin tolerates silicones, but I don’t like the texture. It feels like it’s suffocating my skin.<\/p>\n

When I found my Holy Grail sunscreen<\/a>, I had no more need for a primer. The sunscreen not only protected my skin something wonderful, it also acts like a primer! Or rather, a makeup base.<\/p>\n

So, on a day to day basis, that’s what I’d use. My makeup sits well on my sunscreen, and because I don’t have oily skin, it doesn’t slip off throughout the day. I didn’t have a lot of trouble with my foundation and makeup staying put either, and I don’t usually need to look picture perfect all day long \ud83d\ude00 If I look the worse for wear by the evening, it reflects how I feel LOL! \ud83d\ude00<\/p>\n


Yet, when the occasion warrants, when I have to put on a good face – e.g. for an event, or for when I want to be sure my makeup stays intact for a few hours. I delve into my stash of primers. For now, I only have 4! Well that’s probably 3 more than most people lol! \ud83d\ude00<\/p>\n