{"id":2917,"date":"2009-05-10T09:00:57","date_gmt":"2009-05-10T01:00:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.mywomanstuff.com\/?p=2917"},"modified":"2009-05-09T17:39:19","modified_gmt":"2009-05-09T09:39:19","slug":"online-shopping-sprees-can-be-detrimental-to-your-mental-and-financial-health","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.mywomanstuff.com\/2009\/05\/online-shopping-sprees-can-be-detrimental-to-your-mental-and-financial-health\/","title":{"rendered":"Online Shopping Sprees can be detrimental to your mental and financial health"},"content":{"rendered":"


Personally I have never participated in an online spree. Not unless you count the ones I organize or the ones my friends that I know and trust organize. But join an online spree from a forum? Never because I’m a bit paranoid like that.<\/p>\n

An online spree or an online bulk purchase is usually where one person places a large online order (usually to save on shipping fees or to get wholesale prices) on behalf of a number of different spree participants. Payment is usually made up front and when the order is received, the person running the spree will distribute and send out the items ordered to the different participants.<\/p>\n

All very good if it is well run in an orderly fashion and if items are received in good order and condition and the person running the spree is organized. That makes it a win-win situation for all. Not good if you meet someone disorganized or who just disappears after a while, usually after taking your money. Since orders from overseas can take a while to get in, sometimes up to a month, it can be a nervous waiting process for both spree participants and person running the online spree.<\/p>\n

However, I know of many who do participate in such online sprees, usually to buy items online from other countries so I thought a reminder is timely. I came across an article in a Singapore newspaper a little while ago which serves as a warning (article above).<\/p>\n


In that incident, a lady set up an online spree purportedly to bulk purchase Coach bags from the USA at a purported discount. After collecting all the money, usually paid into bank accounts, she went incommunicado, failing to answer emails and refusing to take phone calls. It was not until the participants lodged a police report that the spree organizer was arrested.<\/p>\n

So for spree participants, there are a number of things you can bear in mind when planning to take part in an online spree:-<\/p>\n