{"id":9373,"date":"2012-02-23T08:30:03","date_gmt":"2012-02-23T00:30:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.mywomanstuff.com\/?p=9373"},"modified":"2013-04-17T11:34:34","modified_gmt":"2013-04-17T03:34:34","slug":"wear-flowers-in-your-hair-and-spritz-melvita-floral-water-on-your-skin-for-a-refreshing-soothing-treat","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.mywomanstuff.com\/2012\/02\/wear-flowers-in-your-hair-and-spritz-melvita-floral-water-on-your-skin-for-a-refreshing-soothing-treat\/","title":{"rendered":"Wear flowers in your hair and spritz Melvita Floral Water on your skin for a refreshing soothing treat"},"content":{"rendered":"

I used to read a lot about floral waters in cosmetics, in particular rosewater and lavender water. It has been used in cosmetics for a very long time to freshen and soothe the skin and is quite possibly the origins of what we now know as toner \ud83d\ude42 I’d never really tried them until I came across the ones from the French organic brand Melvita.<\/p>\n


Can I just say up front that I absolutely love the impractical heavy deep blue glass bottle packaging? I love it! Its heavy and if you are the klutzy sort, you could quite easily let it slip through your fingers and have it smash on the floor. But I love it nonetheless because it lends an old world charm to my skincare routine.<\/p>\n

Plus, the waters are a really very nice treat for the skin \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n


The floral waters are, I’m told, obtained from the distillation of the flowers but I believe the Melvita Floral Waters are mixed a little because the ingredient list do mention some other ingredients, perhaps to boost their efficacy.<\/p>\n


So how would you use these floral waters then? I use them primarily as a refreshing spritz after cleansing my face, and also as a toning water as it offers some hydration properties.<\/p>\n

The scent of lavender and rose is quite strong in both these waters, and the Lavender Floral Water<\/strong> is supposed to help calm the skin. It most certainly evokes feelings of calm because the scent is quite strong. The Rose Floral Water<\/strong> smells of fresh roses and is supposed to be good for sensitive skin.<\/p>\n

There is a mister pump at the top of the bottle which sprays out a very fine mist but which is sufficient to dampen your skin. I usually spritz on some of the floral water after washing my face, morning and night, and lightly pat it in, then immediately follow up with my serums and creams. I find that when I apply my serums and creams on damp skin, they absorb better – which is an observation I will share another day \ud83d\ude09<\/p>\n

Other than the skin refreshing effects of these sprays, I will tell you quite honestly that I don’t know what other benefits it delivers to my skin because I have not noticed anything marked, other than the nice fresh feel and a lovely smell. It doesn’t feel sticky on, which has to be a plus right? If you use a toner or lotion then you may think this is just another waste of time and you could very well be right. But I do like them, and so I use them daily.<\/p>\n

The mist spray is quite fine so a 200ml bottle can last a very long while. I got the Lavender Floral Water first a few months ago when Melvita first came in and I’m not even halfway through yet despite using it almost everyday. So yep, its quite economical \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n

In a nutshell<\/strong><\/p>\n

Floral waters distilled from flowers that refresh and tone the skin. The bottles are heavy glass which I know many are not in favour of but which I happen to like. The product sprays out in a fine mist on the skin and cools and refreshes the skin leaving a nice smell of flowers. I like using this to dampen the skin after cleansing because damp skin absorbs serums and creams better. I don’t see any other benefits to my skin otherwise.<\/p>\n

Pros:<\/strong> Easy non-aerosol face mist, Certified organic and natural source for those for whom it matters, Lovely floral scent, Cool and refreshing on the skin, not sticky<\/p>\n

Cons:<\/strong> A little pricey for some, Glass bottles may not favour everyone<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

There are 6 types of Melvita Floral Water available locally – Rose, Lavender, Cornflower, Chamomile, Orange Blossom and Witch Hazel. Each of them suit different needs but I personally think that they generally serve the same purpose – to soothe and refresh the skin, so I’d just pick whichever one your nose likes best \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n


Here’s some things you can do with these floral waters that I’ve experimented with:-<\/p>\n